I refuse to even entertain the idea of Imaginary Sounds going anywhere but continually forward, but you'll have to bear with me a bit while I adjust to a new schedule and lack of time. I've got lots of mixes in the works still.
Enough excuses, lets talk about music.
I want to profile a band who went criminally underrated and unknown in 2010, and that is the two-piece known as Buke & Gass.

Buke & Gass - Medicina
If you're like me the first thing you thought about the band is "Wow, what a weird name." It is, but it has a lot to do with their aesthetic. See, Buke & Gass create and their own instruments by modifying other instruments. Vocalist Arone Dyer plays the buke, a self-modified six string baritone ukelele and Mr. Aron Sanchez plays the gass, a guitar/bass hybrid. B&Gs self styled gear and DIY attitude creates for them an unmistakable timbre and style somewhere between raw and ethereal. If you're not yet convinced then here's a 17 minute intimate concert by the duo put together by NPR that truly showcases the bold power of their songs, and after that a full stream of the amazing Riposte LP on bandcamp.
Click the album cover to listen to Riposte in full.

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