(Star) is a song by the Osaka, Japan group called simply Boredoms, and the song comes from the band's 1999 album Vision Creation Newsun. The group is really hard to nail as to a style. Sometimes they are referred to as a noise band, sometimes as an ambient group, etc etc. What they are referred to hasn't much to do with how awesome and truly mindbending this song is.
Boredoms - (Star)

The next song was my first choice for a song to post, and is in my mind, without a doubt, one of the greatest songs ever written. It still sounds as fresh and means as much as it did in 1971; a song that surely stands the test of time. I won't go into the lyrics and their meanings, or the struggle they represent, but you feel and believe everything Gaye says. "Lets Get it On" made Gaye a household name, but by that time he had already written plenty of songs to immortalize his genius. Inner City Blues is one of those.
Marvin Gaye - Inner City Blues (Make Me Wanna Holler)
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